Texto com Áudio e Exercício: VIDEOGAMES DEBATE

Hoje praticamos a leitura e audição em nível intermediário com o texto "Video Game Debate". Siga a sequência de exercícios e bons estudos1




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Hoje você pratica seu inglês intermediário com o texto Videogames debate. Bons Estudos!

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What are the pros and cons of video games? Discuss your ideas with a partner.


Read the article once to compare your ideas from the pre-Reading activity.


Video Games Debate: Are Video Games a Positive or Negative Influence on Society?

What do you think of video games? Are they a negative influence on society? Or do they have an important role to play? We asked two people what they thought.

Amelia Stanhurst: In favor of video games 

I think videogames have a lot to offer. A recent study into the effects of computer games has shown that fast-paced action games make us better decision-makers. Scientists at the University of Rochester tested several 18- to 25-year-olds. They divided them into two groups. The first group played action games such as Call of Duty 2, in which participants shoot each other. The second group played The Sims 2, a strategy-based game. After 50 hours of playing, both groups were given a series of tests to see whether they could make quicker decisions. Scientists discovered that those who had trained on the action games made decisions 25 per cent more quickly than those in the other group. Video Games also help with hand-eye coordination. In another study, surgeons who played Nintendo Wii before going into an operating theater performed better than those who didn’t. Let’s stop being so negative about video games!

Morgan Brayston: Against video games

I’m firmly against video games, especially for children. While children are playing a game, they’re wasting valuable time – time that could be spent doing exercise, socializing with friends, reading a book or learning something. Studies have also shown that video gaming is addictive and leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which in turn can lead to obesity. Videogames can also cause over-excitement, exhaustion, eye-strain and sleeplessness. Worst of all, many video games are violent. Children think nothing of blowing someone’s head off, shooting people, or crashing a car into a group of pedestrians. Is this what we want our youngsters to be doing? On top of that, they learn nothing of the consequences of these actions. Of course, not all video games are bad, but most of them are not good. Children should be outside playing, using their imagination, reading, socializing and learning – not shooting, maiming and killing.


fast-paced adj if something is “fast-paced”, it is exciting and it has lots of action

a decision-maker n if you are a good “decision-maker”, you can make decisions quickly

to test vb if you “test” people, you give them an exam to do or a series of tasks to complete

a participant n someone who is involved in something; someone who takes part in something

hand-eye coordination exp a person’s ability to use their hands and their eyes for the same task

a surgeon n a doctor who does complex operations (on the brain or heart, for example).

an operating theater n the room where a surgeon does operations

to waste vb if you “waste” time, you don’t do anything constructive with your time

a sedentary lifestyle exp if someone has a “sedentary lifestyle”, they spend most of their time sitting down, not getting any exercise

sleeplessness adj if you suffer from “sleeplessness”, you can’t sleep

to blow someone’s head off exp to shoot someone in the head and to cause their head to come off

a pedestrian n someone who is walking in the street

to maim vb to damage a part of someone’s body permanently


Read the article again. Then, write True or False next to each question.

1. The scientists were from the University of Rochester.

2. They tested several 18- to 34-year-olds.

3. The participants played for 40 hours.

4. The surgeons played Nintendo Wii after doing their operations.

5. One of the speakers believes that video gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

6. Some of the video games mentioned in the article involved killing people.


Reading II

1. True; 2. False; 3. False; 4. False; 5. True; 6. True

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Dicas para aprender inglês e nunca mais esquecer

Picture of Adir Ferreira
Adir Ferreira

Professor poliglota, desde 2007 produz conteúdo online e é autor dos cursos Inglês Autêntico, Destrave seu Inglês, Curso de Listening Intermediário e também do Curso de Present Perfect.


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